COVID-19 Update | HFC

Let’s be honest, a lot has changed in the past several weeks. And frankly, a lot more is likely going to change in the next several weeks. We are living in a brand new world and, with that, our expectations moving forward need to include concepts like understanding and being fluid with how we handle our day to day lives.  

COVID-19, or coronavirus, has morphed into a power that few expected in a timeframe that even fewer could have imagined. But, as we all know, much in our lives has changed and we have to adapt. Moving forward, I would encourage each and every one of you to be positive in your life mission, and to do what you feel is right in the presence of these new and emerging times. I, as a chiropractor, have embraced a new “normal” in my life, and that is both in my personal life as well as my practice. 

In my personal life, I’m spending more time with my family than ever before. I enjoyed a fantastic walk with my kids and dog yesterday on the Bear Creek trail. I feel strongly that my family will be stronger after this is all said and done, and that’s certainly a silver lining. I hope you can feel the same when the dust settles.  

 As of typing this, my practice is still open and I am seeing patients. Please know that I am taking precautions to help prevent the spread of the virus, and I take that quite seriously.  As most of you know, I pride myself on managing time very well, and as a result of that management, I am able to limit the number of people in my office at one time. A normal day will rarely have three or more patients in the office at one single time, and this will help ensure that minimal interaction among people is occurring.  I am, of course, sanitizing the table and other surfaces, and washing hands regularly.   

I think most of us have read enough on this emerging disease that is taking  our country by storm. If you have an ache or pain and think that chiropractic can help, please schedule a visit with me knowing that not only do I possess the experience to help with your chiropractic needs, but I am also doing my best to limit the spread of this virus.   

Be safe and take a few extra moments to love those closest to you.  

Best regards,

Dr. Hanft